Occupational health and safety

“The integration of occupational health and safety into all work processes was, is, and remains a fundamental duty of the management and all employees across the Fraport Group. Occupational safety supports personal wellbeing by preventing accidents and work-related illnesses, and also plays a proven role in our financial success. The management in particular must lead and live safe and healthy practices. Our staff take personal responsibility and contribute towards our corporate success through their awareness and implementation of occupational health and safety practices.”

Julia Kranenberg, Executive Board Member and Executive Director Labor Relations



Group health and safety

Meeting our occupational health and safety sustainability target is a key priority for Fraport AG and its subsidiaries when considering employment conditions.  

Ensuring appropriate organizational and operational structures and background parameters for occupational health and safety drives economically efficient work processes, while also supporting motivation and job satisfaction, and encouraging employees to identify with the company.  

The Executive Board and Group Works Council at Fraport AG support and promote related preventative strategies and measures for occupational health and safety, with the common goal of avoiding harm to employees and reducing costs created by accidents and healthcare burdens.  

A holistic, integrated approach to occupational health and safety constitutes a major component of our overall corporate responsibility.  

For the Fraport Group, the Policy Statement on Occupational Health and Safety, along with its guidelines and targets, serves as the common basis for our holistic approach to occupational health and safety. => Link to the Policy Statement on Occupational Health and Safety.  

The Policy Statement and related information form part of the Fraport Group’s occupational health and safety management system. The occupational health and safety management system plays a supporting role and helps us to achieve our goals.  

Our occupational health and safety policy is based on the following principles:    

“The Group‘s employees must be protected from accidents, work-related health hazards and occupational illnesses through preventive measures”  

Occupational health and safety is an integral part of our Group’s sustainability strategy. A key responsibility of the Group‘s management is therefore to involve employees in the occupational health and safety process.    

Our objective is to reduce unsafe conditions, actions, accidents and occupational illnesses. Furthermore, we also strive to strengthen health-related awareness and behavior as well as to improve our social environment. The policy not only protects our own employees, it also covers the contractual partners who cooperate with our Group companies.    

The occupational health and safety objectives established for the Fraport Group are derived from the Group’s policy statement and the respective guidelines and principles. The overarching objective for the entire Group is to “continuously reduce work-related accidents” As part of this commitment, a reduction of the following key indicators is to be achieved by 2025:

- LTIF (lost time injury frequency) rate: to be reduced by about 10 percent to 22.5 for fully-consolidated Group companies

- TPQ (thousand-person quota): to be reduced by about 10 percent to 23.5 for fully-consolidated Group companies


The following measures are to be taken to achieve these goals:

- Implementation of an effective occupational health and safety organization

- Training of executives as part of the transfer of duties

- Performance of sustainable risk assessments

- Instruction of all employees on the risks in their workplace

- Definition and implementation of preventive measures to further reduce absences due to illness and accidents and age-appropriate workplace design

Construction site safety  Occupational health and safety in construction refers to actions and procedures that are taken with respect to the planning, completion, and maintenance of structures and worksites that ensure the safety and health of the individuals involved. These measures are a major focus of occupational health and safety, as they serve to prevent accidents at work and employment-related illnesses.

Structural building safety: The needs of structural health and safety must be taken into account if subsequent use of the building or structure by employees is either planned or cannot be ruled out. The earlier that statutory requirements are considered in planning, the better they can be implemented, often in a far more economically efficient manner.

The Dangerous Goods and Radiation Protection Officers provide advice to the employer, the Works Council, and employees on issues relating to dangerous goods and radiation protection legislation. The Officers monitor all procedures related to radiation protection and dangerous goods in the company and must report to the Executive Board and regulatory authorities.  

Hazardous materials are substances or products that pose a potential risk to the health of people, animals, or the environment due to their chemical or physical properties. They may cause harm if used, stored, or transported improperly.   To ensure safety when working with hazardous materials, an assessment of the risks related to a particular hazardous material is essential, along with the determination of appropriate protective measures.  

Radiation protection refers to measures and procedures that aim to protect people and the environment from the harmful effects of ionizing radiation. Ionizing radiation includes X-rays, gamma rays, particle radiation (such as alpha and beta rays) that are capable of ionizing atoms and molecules in matter that may cause chemical changes and could lead to harm.  

Dangerous goods (DG) is the general term used to refer to all dangerous or hazardous goods and substances. They are materials or substances that may present a risk to health, safety, property, or the environment due to their chemical or physical properties. The handling and transportation of dangerous goods is strictly regulated, in order to prevent accidents and ensure safety.

Dangerous goods


Dangerous goods


hazardous materials


Radiation protection


Radiation protection


Dipl. Ing. Joachim Fischer

Senior Specialist for Occupational Health and Safety Head of Occupational Safety and Radiation Protection Officer

j.fischer@fraport.de +49 069 690-70415
Further information

Group Employees of Fraport AG

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