Since 2011, in order to enhance noise abatement for densely populated communities during the final approach, Frankfurt Airport has been using a satellite-aided approach procedure known as “segmented approach RNP.” In other words, an approach broken down into curved segments. To enhance noise abatement for densely populated communities under the final approach, approaching aircraft use required navigation performance (RNP) rather than the ground-based beacon and align with the extended runway centerline at a later point.
The segmented approach contributes to noise abatement for the communities of Offenbach, Hanau and Maintal for westerly movements and Mainz and Bischofsheim for easterly movements. However, this means an increased footprint for other, less densely populated regions such as Heusenstamm and Obertshausen (west) and Rüsselsheim-Bauschheim (east).
Until February 2021, only delayed flights arriving after 11 p.m. used the segmented approach.
On March 1, 2021, a trial phase began with the aim of expanding the use of the segmented approach procedure, ideally between 10 p.m. and midnight. The use of the segmented approach requires that there are no impediments, such as snow, storm conditions or unexpectedly high traffic.
The third test phase began on December 15, 2022. DFS German Air Navigation Services uses the segmented approach procedure for inbound flights from all directions. An extension of the trial will see the procedure being systematically published for pilots on the Automatic Terminal Information Service (ATIS) even before 10 p.m. The aim of this is to establish segmented approaches as the primary method to be used from 10 p.m. to midnight.
During this test phase as well, FFR is monitoring flight procedures for precision and noise optimization in addition to overseeing noise calculations.
Optimized segmented approach: RNP to xLS
This procedure examines the possibility of using a segmented approach in which the curved path is flown much more precisely with the assistance of additional precision procedures, such as RNP1 and RF legs. This would mitigate the noise footprint in the areas concerned.
Frankfurt Airport tested the segmented approach RNP to xLS in 2016 and founded it to be viable in principle in terms of operational and flight considerations. However, it can only be implemented in the longer term as very few aircraft today have the technical equipment necessary.
Segmented approach – independent segmented parallel approach research project
Today, segmented approaches are only possible during what is known as “dependent runway operation”. This means that controllers at DFS German Air Navigation Services have to coordinate landings on the Northwest and South Runways to ensure that a minimum distance is maintained between the aircraft approaching the two runways. The required high level of coordination means that segmented approaches are only possible when traffic volumes are low.
Therefore, the research project also examined the technical and flying requirements for applying segmented approaches during “independent runway operation” as well, i.e. so that this procedure can be used all day.