No scheduled flights are allowed between the hours of midnight and 5 a.m. The only exceptions are medical aid missions and aircraft that have to land for safety reasons.
Central runway of the three parallel runways, used for aircraft take-offs and landings.
Statutory compensation introduced in August 2013 for outdoor areas affected by aircraft noise; the application deadline was in 2021.
Phase between cruising and landing approach in the opposite direction to the runway; extending the flaps reduces speed. The pilot then turns in the turning areas for the landing approach.
In terms of aircraft noise, noise emissions are produced directly at the source, i.e. the aircraft.
Measure of average noise footprint; considers the number, duration and intensity of noise events that have occurred or are expected to occur in a period of time.
Corridor within which an aircraft is allowed to stay if the pilot deviates from the ideal line of a certain route.
This interactive map shows the flight routes, various entitlement areas and aircraft noise contours and also provides more information such as the aircraft noise profile.
This interactive map shows the Fraport measuring stations, including a live display of the noise level, and provides more information such as flight paths.
In terms of aircraft noise, noise immission is the sound heard by people. It thus describes the impact of the noise, not its cause.
An independent and unbiased discussion held over an 18 month period between 1998 and 2000 about the extent to which airport expansion was necessary and acceptable. The result: a mediation package with recommendations designed to coordinate the demands, expectations and requirements of affected groups.
Noise reduction routes that constitute the ideal flight route; flying over sparsely populated areas where possible.
There is a cap on the number of aircraft movements between 5 a.m. and 6 a.m. and between 10 p.m. and 11 p.m. 133 aircraft movements per night are permitted on average over a calendar year.
There are two types of noise abatement: Active noise abatement covers all noise-reducing and noise-displacing measures in air traffic itself. Passive noise abatement refers to various programs that provide structural noise abatement for homes or cover the costs for those affected.
Unlike measurements, which provide information only on the aircraft noise footprint in the vicinity of a measurement station, noise contour calculations provide a large-scale picture of aircraft noise levels.
Voluntary measure under the mediation process launched in 2017 to limit the increase in noise.
Aircraft take off and land against the wind. There are two operation directions:
- Easterly wind: “Operation direction 07” (equivalent to compass heading of 70°) or “easterly direction,” flight direction from west to east
- Westerly wind: “Operation direction 25” (equivalent to compass heading of 250°) or “westerly direction,” flight direction from east to west
In the supplemental planning approval decisions from 2013 and 2014, the Hessian Ministry of Transport defined the areas around Frankfurt Airport that are affected by wake turbulence risks and ordered appropriate protective measures. Fraport AG has implemented these measures with the roof securing program.
Area in which pilots can perform a 180° turn to change from the downwind approach to the landing approach
Air turbulence that can occur at the ends of wings in certain weather conditions. Fraport AG secures roofs in a certain area around the airport against potential damage from wake turbulences.