
Anke Giesen

Vorständin Retail und Real Estate

“"Connecting the world with tomorrow” is our pledge to our passengers. Customer focus, efficient processes, and a suitable infrastructure are essential to this. However, Fraport is not committed to operational excellence only. Compliance and integrity are integral parts of our culture and form the basis for our business activities. Our mission is to act in line with legislation, internal rules and regulations, and our values.”

Anke Giesen, Member of the Executive Board and Executive Director Retail and Real Estate

Compliance Management System

Cycle Compliance Management System
Cycle Compliance Management System


To ensure effective compliance, the Fraport Executive Board has introduced a compliance management system.

This Group-wide system provides methods, rules, instruments, and an organization so that compliance is implemented as a comprehensive task at all levels and in all relevant processes.

The compliance risk analysis is conducted regularly at Fraport AG and within the Group in order to identify the relevant compliance risks. It is used as a basis for the targeted derivation of appropriate compliance programs.

Relevant compliance topics are regulated in guidelines, with Group-wide minimum standards primarily applying to the topics of “gifts and invitations” and “conflicts of interest”. There are also Group-wide standards for key compliance processes (in particular regarding business partner assessments and internal audits).

The receipt and professional investigation of reports of misconduct are key elements of the compliance management system. The objective is to clarify the allegations, rectify established irregularities, and take suitable measures in order to prevent future compliance violations.

Employees regularly undergo specific training on various compliance topics. The relevant training is delivered via e-learning courses or in person in line with the target group’s needs. In-person courses are mainly used for special topics or for deepening knowledge.



Your contact for all questions relating to compliance and legal matters:
Martin Glock

Senior Vice President Legal Affairs and Compliance

+4969 690-60174

Fraport AG Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide Rechtsangelegenheiten und Compliance 60547 Frankfurt am Main

Elke Breuer

Vice President Compliance and Integrity

+4969 690-60121

Fraport AG Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide Legal Affairs and Compliance 60547 Frankfurt am Main