Video Footage Database


Filming Location Frankfurt Airport

There are many Stories to tell at the largest Air Traffic Hub.

Lufthansa Animal Lounge, Federal Police, Winter Services: there is a wide range of exiting topics and TV features at the largest German Air Traffic Hub. A selection of TV features regarding many subjects around the airport is provided on this page.

Please  contact us, if you got inquiries concerning filming permissions or the usage of the presented TV features. We're happy to help.

TV Features

The Airport is repeatedly in the limelight of the media. No matter if it is about topics on a daily basis, documentations about flight operations or entire "topic days" on TV channels: Frankfurt Airport fascinates.

For the accuracy of the provided information on the pages reached via links, Fraport AG cannot assume any liability. In particular when pages contain links to external third parties pages. Fraport AG assumes no responsibility for the content of external pages.


Fraport AG provides footage free of charge. Here is an overview of the topics covered by our footage, which you can view, download and edit.

If you are interested in filming or taking photos at Frankfurt Airport, please contact the  Fraport press service.

When working with our footage, please bear the following points in mind:
  • You may not distort the footage or change its meaning.
  • You may not use the footage in an irrelevant context or environment, or in a discriminatory, derogatory or offensive form.
  • Fraport AG must be cited as the source.
  • By using the footage, you declare that you accept the rules and restrictions listed in the terms of use.
Animated Terminal 3


Terminal 3 at Frankfurt Airport
Animation Terminal 3 - PTS


Animated film about the new Sky Line
Progress Terminal 3


Progress Terminal 3 (April 2019 - December 2022)
Progress Pier G and Pier H


Timelapse Pier G and H (April 2019 - May 2021)
Main Building


Pier H


Pier J


Pier G




Road Connection


Luftaufnahme Baustelle T3


Terminal 3 Construction Site Aerial View
Sky Line train






Night Operations at the runways






Cargo City North

2023-11-06 Aerial Shots

Cargo City North
Cargo City South

2023-11-06 Aerial Shots

Cargo City South
Aircraft movements

2023-11-06 Aerial Shots

Aircraft movements
Gateway Gardens

2023-11-06 Aerial Shots

Gateway Gardens
Terminal 3

2023-11-06 Aerial Shots

Terminals & Infrastruktur

2023-09-20 Luftaufnahmen

Terminals & Infrastructure
Passenger Service

InfoGate, FraCareServices, Gaming World

Passenger Services I

InfoGate, FraCareServices, Gaming World


Silent Chair, Movie World, Entertainment Gate, Yoga-Raum, Quiet Room

Passanger Services II

Silent Chair, Movie World, Entertainment Gate, Yoga-Raum, Quiet Room







Aircraft Movement


Apron Taxiing


Ground Services

Filming and photography at Frankfurt Airport

Film and photo shoots at Frankfurt Airport are subject to safety regulations. The key questions are answered below.  

Operations at Frankfurt Airport are complex, and there are various safety regulations. Filming and photography at Frankfurt Airport are therefore subject to certain restrictions or requirements. Our press service can answer any questions regarding permission to film.

To help you plan your film shoot, here are some answers to the most frequently asked questions about filming and photography at Frankfurt Airport:  

Filming and photography for the purposes of news reporting are allowed in the pre-security area of the airport after registration with the Fraport press service. The pre-security area comprises all areas that are accessible to people without a flight ticket.

Please note that filming and photography in the airport’s security area are subject to special restrictions and require timely coordination with the Fraport press service. The security area comprises all terminal and operating areas that may only be accessed with special authorization. As a rule, these areas may only be accessed under supervision.

Depending on what is to be filmed/photographed, additional permissions must be obtained from our partners (airlines, DFS German Air Navigation Services, German Federal Police, customs, etc.).

Media representatives can access the Visitors’ Terrace in Terminal 2 free of charge on presentation of a valid press pass. However, filming and photography are only possible during the terrace’s regular opening hours.

In order to film for commercial productions, you must register with the Fraport press service and obtain written permission well in advance. Whether we can grant your request depends on the nature, scope and feasibility of the filming. We need the following information in order to review your request:

  • Planned date and time of the shoot
  • Duration of the shoot
  • Number of people involved
  • What you wish to shoot
  • Technical requirements

Please appreciate that we charge fees for commercial productions. Our press service will be happy to provide any further information.

Live broadcasts from Frankfurt Airport are allowed in exceptional cases and only in consultation with the Fraport press service. Live broadcasts may be made from Terminal 1, Hall A or B, or the pre-security area of Terminal 2. Here, too, permissions must be obtained from our partners if necessary.

Please observe the following technical specifications:

Terminal 1:

After prior registration with the Fraport press service, broadcast vehicles can be parked in the CD/CC parking lot in front of Terminal 1 (Arrivals B). Cable – approximately 400 to 500 meters long – must be laid from this parking lot, over the bridge between the long-distance train station and the terminal, to the departures level – Hall A or B. For safety reasons, the cables must be secured and taped off. Escape and emergency routes, elevators and escalators must be kept clear. Instructions from airport security staff must be followed.

Description of cable routing in Terminal 1

Terminal 2:

Parking lot P19 is available for parking broadcast vehicles. There is a direct entrance to the terminal from this parking lot, which can be used to lay cables approximately 200 meters long. For safety reasons, the cables must be secured and taped off. Escape and emergency routes, elevators and escalators must be kept clear. Instructions from airport security staff must be followed.

The three public spotter points located near Runway 18 West, the A5 motorway and the Northwest Runway offer interesting views of Frankfurt Airport. You are welcome to film and take photos from these locations. No special permission from the Fraport press service is required.

Information on boarding a plane with camera equipment

When a photography or film team travels by air, the technical equipment should arrive at the destination intact. Therefore, you should familiarize yourself with the relevant luggage rules before traveling. As batteries from film and photo cameras frequently have to be removed from luggage for safety reasons, we would like to point out the rules for the transport of batteries. Further information is available in the Advice for Media Representatives.

Stefanie Wagener

Media Services, filming and photography requests (Monday to Thursday)

+49 69 690 - 70556