“Travel safely” via Frankfurt Airport: TÜV Quality Seal Reconfirmed

Comprehensive measures to protect against infection adjusted to the continuing pandemic situation

“Safe travel” during the ongoing pandemic continues to be possible via Frankfurt Airport (FRA). This has been reconfirmed by TÜV Hesse, which recently extended FRA’s “Safe from Covid-19” quality seal for another six months.

Frankfurt Airport already received its first TÜV quality certification from the Tüv Hesse testing organization in July   2020, valid six months until January 2021. Since then, the airport’s operator Fraport has continuously optimized measures to meet the air travel industry’s protection and hygiene requirements in response to the ongoing pandemic situation. “We have implemented the auditors’ recommendations, such as expanding our infection prevention measures in cooperation with the airport’s retail and food & beverage concessionaires,” stressed Thomas Kirner, the head of passenger services at.Fraport AG.

Over the course of several days, TÜV Hesse’s team once again examined the entire passenger travel process at FRA – while also checking the measures that have been taken throughout the terminals to safeguard those who work at the airport. The auditors praised the wide-ranging hygiene measures, the intensive communication with target groups, and the excellent preparation and protection of personnel. “Our staff are continually trained in dealing with passengers, including how to courteously remind them to comply with the Covid-19 hygiene requirements. The important thing is for everyone to act responsibly and follow the rules – which is essential for protecting ourselves and others,” explained Kirner.

Airports Council International (ACI), the association of airport operators worldwide, also recently recognized Frankfurt Airport for its exemplary actions to fight the virus. In late 2020, Frankfurt Airport received the “ACI Airport Health Accreditation” for a period of one year. This makes FRA one of the first German airports to be certified for meeting international standards for hygiene and virus protection.

New requirements for nose-mouth protective masks

On January 23, 2021, the government authorities issued new requirements regarding the wearing of protective face coverings inside the terminals at Frankfurt Airport – only surgical and FFP2-classified medical masks are now allowed. Cloth face coverings are no longer sufficient. An overview of the airport shops offering the required protective masks is available here.

A wide range of information related to safety measures, proper conduct and other helpful tips for travelers is updated daily by Fraport on its www.frankfurt-airport.com website. Passengers are strongly advised to consult this information before beginning their trip.


Jana Schäfer

Communications Manager – Infrastructure and Customer Services (Monday to Thursday)

+49 69 690 - 30714 j.schaefer2@fraport.de
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