General Inquiries and Comments:
*20 cents (€) per call within German landline network.
Aircraft Noise & Noise Abatement (in German only):
Medical Inquiries (for passengers and employees):
At today’s 23rd Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Fraport AG, the shareholders ratified the actions of all members of the company’s executive and supervisory board for the past fiscal year 2023 (ending Dec. 31). Shareholders also approved all other items on the AGM agenda. Prior to the shareholders’ vote, Fraport’s executive and supervisory boards reported on the 2023 business year and answered the shareholders’ questions.
Fraport AG welcomed a total of 466 attendees to this year’s AGM – representing 82.46 percent of the Group’s capital stock. Michael Boddenberg, who chairs Fraport’s supervisory board, officially opened the AGM in the Sheraton Hotel at Frankfurt Airport at 10:00 a.m CEST. The AGM was concluded by the chair at 3:42 p.m. More information on this year’s Annual General Meeting, including reproduction-quality images, can be found on Fraport’s website.
General Inquiries and Comments:
*20 cents (€) per call within German landline network.
Aircraft Noise & Noise Abatement (in German only):
Medical Inquiries (for passengers and employees):