General Inquiries and Comments:
*20 cents (€) per call within German landline network.
Aircraft Noise & Noise Abatement (in German only):
Medical Inquiries (for passengers and employees):
At Fraport AG’s ordinary Annual General Meeting (AGM), which was held today (May 23) in a virtual-only format, shareholders approved all agenda items. In addition, shareholders elected the following new members to Fraport’s supervisory board:
The AGM confirmed and re-elected the following members to Fraport AG’s supervisory board: Michael Boddenberg (Hesse Finance Minister), Dr. Bastian Bergerhoff (City Treasurer and department head for finance, investments, and personnel of the City of Frankfurt), Dr. Margarete Haase (independent corporate consultant), Frank-Peter Kaufmann (member of the Hesse state parliament), Lothar Klemm (former secretary of state of Hesse and independent attorney), Sonja Wärntges (CEO of DIC Asset AG) and Professor Dr.-Ing. Katja Windt (member of the management board of SMS group GmbH).
A total of 79.22 percent of Fraport AG’s capital stock was represented at today’s AGM. Michael Boddenberg, who chairs Fraport’s supervisory board and also serves as the State of Hesse finance minister, officially opened the virtual AGM at 9:00 a.m. CEST and concluded the proceedings at 1:10 p.m.
More information on this year’s
Press Releases
General Inquiries and Comments:
*20 cents (€) per call within German landline network.
Aircraft Noise & Noise Abatement (in German only):
Medical Inquiries (for passengers and employees):