Frankfurt Airport: Weekly Traffic Figures for August 31 – September 6, 2020

Please note: The special weekly publication of Frankfurt Airport’s traffic figures will be discontinued until further notice. We will continue issuing our regular monthly traffic figures for the entire Fraport Group – to be published, as usual, in the Newsroom section of the Fraport website.

Week 36/2020 (August 31 –   September 6) Week Δ %*
Passengers 297,179
Cargo (airfreight + airmail) in metric tons 36,462 -8.6%
Aircraft movements 4,067 -62.5%

*Change compared to Week 36 of 2019

Press Contact

Dana Selin Kröll

Communications Manager – Cargo and Ground Handling (on parental leave) +49 69 690 - 31403