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*20 cents (€) per call within German landline network.
Aircraft Noise & Noise Abatement (in German only):
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Fraport AG plans to source much of the electricity used atFrankfurt Airport from wind power in the future. This reflects the airportoperator's ongoing commitment to meeting its climate protection targets. Thecompany intends to agree upon an annual minimum purchase quantity withthe operator of an offshore wind farm from no later than 2025. The requisitemarket notification is being issued today.
Chairman of the Executive Board Dr. Stefan Schulte emphasized: “Even inthese most challenging times, we remain firmly focused on the challenge ofclimate protection. With this wind power project alone, we plan to obtainaround 85 percent of the electricity used at Frankfurt Airport from renewablesources from 2025.” Fraport remains committed to covering most of FrankfurtAirport's electricity consumption using renewable sources by 2030.
The use of renewable energy is a key factor in meeting Fraport's self-imposedclimate protection targets. Fraport aims to slash its annual CO2 emissions at Frankfurt Airport from around 170,000 to 80,000 metric tons by 2030. Thecompany plans to eliminate all emissions and be CO2 free from 2050.
Under a power purchase agreement, Fraport intends to agree upon thedelivery of up to 350 gigawatt hours of green electricity per year with theoperator of an offshore wind farm. Schulte explained: “We are looking for areliable partner to help us step up our use of renewable energy. This type of June 9, 2020 agreement allows us to make secure plans for the future without having to implement the project ourselves.”
At the same time, the company is committed to generating its own electricity at the airport. The first large-scale photovoltaic system at Frankfurt Airport is currently being built on a new cargo hall in CargoCity South. When finished, it is expected to generate over 1.5 million kilowatt hours of electricity a year – an amount that would power more than 450 four-person households for a year. Fraport has also pledged to build a photovoltaic plant on the parking garage of the new Terminal 3.
As things stand, these and further measures will take the green electricity share at Frankfurt Airport to around 94 percent by 2030.
Press Releases
General Inquiries and Comments:
*20 cents (€) per call within German landline network.
Aircraft Noise & Noise Abatement (in German only):
Medical Inquiries (for passengers and employees):