Do you have an inquiry regarding your flight?
Here you’ll find information about departures, arrivals, lost baggage or services for visitors.
Below you will find an overview of contacts for your specific request regarding Fraport and Frankfurt Airport.
Fraport AG
Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide
60547 Frankfurt am Main
Do you have an inquiry regarding your flight?
Here you’ll find information about departures, arrivals, lost baggage or services for visitors.
Parking at the Airport:
Hotline for General Inquiries and Comments:
* 20 cents (€) per call within German landline network.
You can find FRA’s Medical Center – including the Emergency Center (“Airport Clinic”) and the vaccination center – in Building 226. The building is located directly at Terminal 1, Concourse A, Arrivals, and is accessible to the general public.The Medical. Follow the signs to “Notfallambulanz / Medical Center”.
Travelers’ Aid
The Frankfurt CargoHub is the first choice for cargo in Europe. Located in the heart of the continent, the CargoHub facilitates global goods flows – from Frankfurt to around the world, and from around the world to Frankfurt.
Fraport Ground Services is able to provide individual solutions for any customer as we recognize the uniqueness of each airline. With speed and precision we carry out all handling services according to IATA AHM 810. Coordinated processes, qualified staff and state of the art equipment guarantee you the highest level of flexibility and reliability to turn around your aircraft on time.
Terminals 1 and 2 boast marketplaces with 295 different restaurants and bars. In addition, Frankfurt Airport’s online trading platform sets out the shopping facilities digitally so that, in conjunction with our rewards scheme, all passengers can access them even before arrival at the airport Marketplaces at the airport
Fraport Real Estate Services & Development is an international real estate service provider specializing in complex and special-purpose properties. We support our customers in all operational and strategic areas and act as a reliable partner for the entire real estate value chain.
The Airport ID Card Service Center in Building 161 is available during the following opening hours: Mo - Fr 07:15 a.m. to 03:00 p.m
German Federal Police:
Emergency at the Airport (Local Police Department):
Sighting of Drones (Local Police Department):
Airport Main Customs Office:
General Informations:
Air Traffic Control:
If you could't find the required information on the overview page, please feel free to use the contact form to get in touch with our Neighbourhood Dialogue.
In certain weather conditions so called "Wake turbulences" can descend to the ground in a relatively stable manner over a period of several minutes. There may be a few cases of tiles being loosened from their anchor point on the roofs of buildings located in the vicinity of the airport.
Fraport initiated a roof inspection program carried out by accredited experts.
For media and press inquiries please contact your respective contact person.
The investor relations team of Fraport AG looks forward to your questions and suggestions concerning the Fraport Share.
We will also be happy to email you our financial publications, monthly traffic figures or GRI reports. You can also receive information regularly via our newsletter order service.
General Inquiries and Comments:
*20 cents (€) per call within German landline network.
Aircraft Noise & Noise Abatement (in German only):
Medical Inquiries (for passengers and employees):